S4M-00327: A United Approach to Tackling Child Poverty

03 Aug 2012

S4M-00327 John Mason (Glasgow Shettleston) (Scottish National Party): That the Parliament believes that no child in Scotland should be born without a chance; recognises that child poverty represents what it considers to be a major barrier to around 200,000 children in Scotland from fulfilling their potential; believes that poverty can kill childhood and that the existence of child poverty in a rich country such as Scotland is morally wrong; further understands that child poverty harms the social and economic fabric of the nation; reaffirms the commitments set out in the Child Poverty Act 2010 of eradicating child poverty by 2020 and to tackle socioeconomic disadvantage in Scotland; commends the efforts of Save the Children in Scotland to raise awareness of child poverty and to tackle its root causes; welcomes the child poverty strategy and considers this to be as an important step in prioritising action; further recognises that the strategy must be backed with adequate resources and political will if it is to be successful; believes that ending child poverty must be a priority for this parliamentary session, and calls on all parties to work together, and in partnership with wider Scottish civil society, to banish child poverty from this country once and for all.