That the Parliament welcomes the activities around World Food Day 2017, which is being marked on 16 October and aims to show ongoing commitment to ending world hunger; notes that the awareness day was first held in 1945 to commemorate the founding of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO); understands that the day is celebrated in over 150 countries, making it one of the most recognised days of the UN calendar; notes that this year’s theme is, Change the future of migration. Invest in food security and rural development; understands that FAO works with governments and other stakeholders to generate evidence on migration patterns and helps to build countries’ capacity to address migration through rural development policies;, and calls on all levels of government to do what they can to invest in food security and rural development and to work to take their fair share of the burden from the refugee crisis.
Update on Loch Laiden and Bield Housing
Following on from the news that Bield Housing would be closing some of their care homes John wrote to find out more about the future of some of the Care Homes in Glasgow Shettleston Constituency.
He received a phone call from Bield stating that Loch Laiden is classified as a Retirement Plus home and as such it will not be being closed.
John said: “I was glad to hear that Bield would not be closing the Loch Laiden home, as I’m sure the many residents who live there will be.
“If anyone has any further concerns please do not hesitate to get in touch.”
Motion S5M-07786: World Car Free Day 2017
That the Parliament welcomes World Car Free Day 2017, which will be marked on 22 September; understands that the event, which was first held in the UK in 1997, promotes public transport, cycling and walking and encourages the development of communities in which jobs are closer to home and shopping is within walking distance; understands that many organisations across Scotland will be celebrating the day, including the Parliament and Government, with the Parliament’s car park being closed to everyone except people with a specific access need; believes that an increased uptake of public transport is good for society as a whole, and hopes that members can lead by example and aim not to use a car on the day.