Motion S5M-08846: #REDWEDNESDAY

13 Nov 2017

That the Parliament notes the #RedWednesday event being held on 22 November across Scotland and around the world to stand in solidarity with persecuted Christians and all who suffer for their peacefully held beliefs; understands that a week of events will take place from 19 to 26 November to raise awareness of religious persecution; further notes that the #RedWednesday campaign honours Christians and other faith groups who suffer and die due to their faith; welcomes the participation of churches and others across Scotland, led especially by Aid to the Church in Need and Christian Solidarity Worldwide; further notes that anyone can get involved by simply wearing red, and hopes that the #RedWednesday campaign will achieve its aim of respect and tolerance for people of faith and between different faith traditions.

Motion S5M-08447: Abortion Act

27 Oct 2017

That the Parliament notes that October 2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the Abortion Act 1967; accepts that abortion remains a very contentious issue and that it has now been devolved; acknowledges that some want the law further liberalised, while others want no abortions at all; considers that whether human life starts at the point of conception or at some later point is the key issue in this debate and hence whether consideration is being given to the rights of one person or two; believes that medical science is constantly advancing so that babies born early are surviving at a younger and younger age, and considers that, in the light of such medical advances, the time limit of 24 weeks needs to be regularly reviewed.

Motion S5M-08297: Scotland’s Success

19 Oct 2017

That the Parliament welcomes the findings from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development economic survey, which it understands shows that Scotland has the best performing economy in the UK outside the south-east of England; further understands that the survey shows Scotland has the third highest household income in the UK, with EU immigration leading to a rise in Scottish productivity; believes that Glasgow and Edinburgh only lag behind London in relation to economic performance; understands that the report also states that if there is a “disorderly Brexit” then it could lead to the exchange rate falling to new lows, and calls on the UK Government to be more positive and friendly when negotiating with countries that Scotland hopes to have a future relationship with.

Motion S5M-08262: Wheel of Misfortune

19 Oct 2017

That the Parliament welcomes the report from the think tank, ResPublica, Wheel of Misfortune: The case for lowering the stakes on Fixed Odds Betting Terminals, which suggests that the UK is the only developed country to have high street betting shops that allow people to bet £100 every 20 seconds; notes the report’s calls for the UK Government to cut the maximum stake on fixed-odds betting terminals (FOBT) from £100 to £2; agrees with its assessment that the present maximum stake can lead to job loss, damage to communities and the breakdown of families; understands that, over the last year, FOBTs have been responsible for losses of more than £1.7 billion, which is almost £12,000 on average, with one third of players considered at risk of serious addiction according to the Gambling Commission; believes that action must be taken to tackle what it sees as the scourge of FOBTs in Scotland’s communities, and calls on the UK Government to take action when it publishes its review of stake levels, by lower the maximum stake to £2 at most.