McVitie’s Tollcross Redundancies

28 Nov 2014

In response to the announcement that as many as 202 McVitie’s Tollcross factory workers may be made redundant before Christmas, John said;

“Shocked to hear of potential 202 job losses at McVitie’s Tollcross.

I am very disappointed indeed to hear of these job losses at McVitie’s, one of the major employers in the east end of Glasgow.

Firstly my thoughts are for those staff losing their jobs especially at this time of year as we approach Christmas.

This is a company which I know produces a high quality product both under its own name and for other brands. I have visited the factory and the staff are clearly of the highest calibre with very modern equipment to work with. However, sadly the buildings they work in have been of a poorer quality.

This is a company with a long history and at least it is not closing completely. I appreciate that the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise, and others have put long hours and effort into discussions with the Company in recent days. That appears to have limited the number of redundancies and I thank all those involved for their efforts.

I am also grateful that these negotiations have been kept confidential and that the staff have been informed before the situation became public knowledge.

United Biscuits appears to have been a very centralised company and has failed to use ‘Made in Scotland’ to its advantage. I believe they could have added value to their Glasgow products if they had done this, as many other companies in the food sector have done. Perhaps they will consider this in the future.

Ownership is also an issue here. Recently control of UB has moved to Yildiz Holding of Turkey; but control left Scotland long ago. Once again Scottish jobs suffer when ownership is elsewhere. In the longer term we need to look at how ownership of companies can be kept more locally. That is an advantage for local jobs, the local economy, and beyond.

I have contacted the Company with a number of questions and am seeking a meeting with them to hear more about what is happening.

However, the short term concern remains for individual employees and their families. If I can be of any assistance to them, they can contact me 24 hours each day.”

Motion: S4M-11723 Scottish Smoker Numbers Fall Sharply

26 Nov 2014

That the Parliament welcomes the recent report by the Office for National Statistics, which shows that the number of Scottish smokers has shrunk from 46% of the population to 21% in 40 years; considers that this is significant with regard to improving public health; will strive to do all that it can to educate people about the dangers of cigarettes, and hopes that the uptake of smoking continues to fall in the years ahead.

Motion: S4M-11679 Scottish House Prices Double & Affordable Housing

25 Nov 2014
That the Parliament notes the recent report from the Halifax group, which highlights that the value of Scotland’s private properties has almost doubled since 2004 from £170 billion to £333 billion; welcomes the growth in the value of Scotland’s economy that these figures imply; however understands that these figures mean that purchasing a new house is much more expensive than it was a decade ago and that the gap between the wealthier and the poorer in society is increasing; believes that the provision of adequate affordable housing is a priority issue for both first-time buyers and the many Scottish families looking for a bigger home, and considers that the gap in wealth between the richest and the poorest needs to be addressed.

Weekly Video Blog: Child Poverty

24 Nov 2014