John Mason MSP discusses the figures reported by homeless charities that show a rise in those sleeping rough.
John Mason MSP discusses the figures reported by homeless charities that show a rise in those sleeping rough.
That the Parliament understands that an increasing number of homeless folk are seeking help this winter; notes the reported 60% rise in rough sleepers looking for a bed with Glasgow City Mission and the Lodging House Mission, with 711 cases being logged in December 2015 compared with 437 in December 2014; understands that 40 beds are available but, on some nights this winter, the missions have had to turn people away due to excess demand; believes that the previous three years of rising homelessness show that the welfare cuts pursued by the UK Government are not only not working but are actively pushing people into abject poverty; appreciates the important service that the Lodging House Mission and Glasgow City Mission provide to people in desperate circumstances, and hopes that the Scottish Government, local authorities and homelessness charities can work together to help mitigate the worst impacts of what it sees as the UK Government’s undermining of the welfare state.
That the Parliament notes the findings of a study published in the journal,Tobacco Control, by a group of academics, which found that young people who tried e-cigarettes who had not smoked before were almost three times more likely to take up traditional cigarettes; further notes that, of the youngsters who had not smoked e-cigarettes at the start of the study, one in 10 had used e-cigarettes by the end of the study, with 2% having experimented with traditional cigarettes; understands that the report findings suggest that the use of e-cigarettes by adolescents may not be without detrimental impact, and is very concerned that e-cigarettes may be a means by which young people are enticed into very harmful traditional smoking.
That the Parliament welcomes the publication of the report, Removing Barriers: Race, Ethnicity, and Employment, by the Equal Opportunities Committee on 27 January 2016; notes from the report that, throughout its inquiry, the committee “heard of the significant barriers facing people from ethnic minorities in gaining employment and developing a career” and that it considered this situation unacceptable; agrees with the committee that “diversity in the workplace should be valued and seen as a positive goal”, and looks forward to the Scottish Government’s response to the report, the terms of which it considers can impact on people throughout Scotland, including in the Shettleston constituency.
This motion has achieved Cross Party support and may be debated in the Scottish Parliament.