John seeks clarity on Unpaid Internships

19 Feb 2016

John Mason: To ask the Scottish Government what its policy is on unpaid internships that last longer than one month.

Answered by Roseanna Cunningham (03/02/2016):We believe that fair work is crucial to delivering inclusive growth. The Scottish Government only offers support to external graduate placement programmes that offer good quality, paid internships. All interns on these programmes are paid at least the Scottish living wage for the work they do and these programmes are currently operating on a conversion rate of between 75 and 80 per cent of placements leading to permanent employment.


Motion S4M-15669: Increase in Scottish Employment

19 Feb 2016

That the Parliament welcomes the most recent Office for National Statistics figures, which find that employment in Scotland reached an all-time high between October and December 2015; notes that this is the second record-setting quarter in a row, with September to November previously being the highest on record; further notes the finding that there were 22,000 more Scots in employment, leading to an employment rate of 74.8%, which was above the UK average of 74.1%; considers that this is good news for the Scottish economy, however, believes that more work needs to be done to ensure that employers pay the living wage as set by the Living Wage Foundation.

Motion S4M-15649: Junior Doctor Contracts

12 Feb 2016

That the Parliament deplores the handling of junior doctors’ contracts in England by the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt; further deplores what it considers the lack of proper engagement shown by the UK Government in what it sees as the latest in a long line of politically motivated attacks on the NHS south of the border; congratulates the junior doctors and the British Medical Association (BMA) on what it sees as their positive and organised opposition to what it considers these unfair changes; welcomes confirmation from the Scottish Government that what it considers these fundamentally unfair contracts will not be imposed on junior doctors in Scotland, and welcomes those seeking fairer contracts to look for jobs in the NHS in Scotland.

February 2016 Newsletter

08 Feb 2016

February Edition 2016 – Parliamentary Patter

  • John Calls For Regulation on Bellgrove Hotel
  • John Engages With Schools
  • Homelessness Increase
  • Finance Committee in Pitlochry
  • Celtic Connections
  • Motions lodged in Parliament