Clyde FC

07 Apr 2017

Motion S5M-05042: Glasgow Winter Night Shelter

04 Apr 2017

That the Parliament welcomes the news that the Glasgow Winter Night Shelter, which operated from December 2016 to March 2017, provided accommodation for over 500 different people; understands that the length of stay was reduced in many cases compared with previous years because of a more “joined-up” approach by public and third sector agencies, which included council homelessness caseworkers being on the premises to process cases much faster, leading to more people ending up in housing more quickly; further understands that the shelter links in with the nearby NHS Hunter Street, which specialises in care for homeless people; acknowledges that it was run by Glasgow City Mission in partnership with other organisations, including the Simon Community, Turning Point Scotland, the Govan Law Centre, Marie Trust, the Lodging House Mission, the Glasgow Homeless Network and Blue Triangle; believes fundamentally that night shelters should not be a permanent part of Scotland, but considers that while there is a need for their existence, the Glasgow model shows many strengths that could be adopted in different areas to improve prospects for homeless people.

Motion S5M-05004: Increasing inflation

03 Apr 2017

That the Parliament notes the reported comments from EY Item Club economists that lower income households will not see any positives from the 12.5% jump in the net financial wealth of people in the UK; understands that this huge growth in the last year has come from increasing share prices outpacing rising inflation and slow wage growth; further understands that this means that only the relatively well-off who own financial assets are likely to see any benefit, while people on lower incomes will feel the bite of increasing inflation; believes that people on lower incomes will be hit even harder by rising prices as they tend to spend more of their income than high earners, and further believes that the expected 2.8% increase in prices, with just 0.1% real terms growth in household incomes, shows that economic growth and recovery must be broad and include everyone in society, regardless of income.

Question S5O-00817: Violence against women in prostitution

28 Mar 2017

To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to tackle violence against women in prostitution.

Current Status: Taken in the Chamber on 23/03/2017