Mason expresses ‘deep concern’ over Evening Times & Herald jobs

03 Dec 2008

Glasgow SNP MP, John Mason, has expressed his ‘deep concern’ over the news that staff at the Evening Times, Herald and Sunday Herald newspapers will all be made redundant and be asked to reapply for their jobs.

Although staff will be ‘invited’ to re-apply for their jobs it is understood that around 40 will not be re-hired and up to 17% of journalists on the three titles will lose their posts.

Commenting on the news, John Mason said:

“Other countries have a range of newspapers, from the tabloid titles to the more serious publications. Scotland needs this range too and, as the country’s largest city, Glasgow’s Herald should be in the forefront of serious news reporting. It is unbelievably disappointing that Newsquest should be cutting back in this way at this time”.

John Mason – Working for You

01 Dec 2008
  • Working for you in the East End
  • Action on fuel poverty
  • Campaign to end child poverty
  • Pushing the boundaries
  • Rubbish on the agenda
  • Put education first!

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East End MP joins Commons Administration Committee

25 Nov 2008

John Mason has become a member of the House of Commons Administration Select Committee.

The Administration Committee considers the services provided to MPs by the House of Commons. It also looks at services provided to the public by Parliament, including visitor facilities, the Parliament website and education services.

The Committee represents the views of MPs to the authorities that run Parliament. These include the overall supervisory body of the House of Commons, the House of Commons Commission. The Committee was established in July 2005 to incorporate the work of five former domestic committees: Accommodation & Works, Administration, Broadcasting, Catering and Information.

Mason calls for regulation of ‘sale and rent back’ agreements

24 Nov 2008

John Mason, the MP for Glasgow East, has tabled an early day motion in the House of Commons calling on the UK Government to take action to protect homeowners who enter into sale and rent back agreements.

A six-month investigation by the Office of Fair Trading recommended that the Financial Services Authority expand its remit by taking on the regulation of the sale and rent back sector, including ensuring that anyone considering sale and rent back is given access to independent financial advice. The investigation also called on the UK Government to clarify the position of those using sale and rent back scheme in terms of their eligibility for housing benefit.

Commenting, Mr Mason said:

“As the recession bites, families are feeling the pressure financially. With increases in food prices and rising bills, many homeowners are struggling to meet mortgage repayments and are turning to unregulated arrangements such as Sale and Rent Back agreements. I am involved witfh cases in Easterhouse and Shettleston where people have turned to these schemes only to experience problems later.

“While they might seem like a quick fix, they often create greater uncertainty in the long term as the rental outlay may only be fixed for a six month period. Action must be taken to regulate these agreements and promote understanding of their risks.

“I would strongly advise anyone who finds themselves in financial difficulty to call the National Debtline on 0808 808 4000 where they can access free and impartial advice.”