Motion S5M-05904: EU Draft Proposals For Brexit
That the Parliament welcomes the publication on 29 May 2017 of the EU’s draft proposals for the Brexit negotiations; understands that two draft papers have been released, which lay out the EU’s position regarding citizens’ rights and any financial settlement; notes what it sees as the transparent method employed by the EU; believes that this is in stark contrast to what it considers to be the secretive and chaotic negotiating style of the UK Government; acknowledges that negotiations of such scale and magnitude have the potential to impact hugely on UK and EU citizens, and calls on the UK Government to take what it believes should be a more transparent and open approach to the negotiations in order to increase the chances of an advantageous, sensible and amicable deal for the people of Scotland, the other nations of the UK, and the EU.
The Boys’ Brigade calls for team-based approach to increasing youth sport participation
The Boys’ Brigade has hosted a Scottish Parliamentary Exhibition (22-28 May) in a bid to challenge politicians to support the need for more children and young people to participate in regular physical activity.
A recent UK government survey indicated just one third of five-15 year olds engage in competitive sporting activity outside of school. The results also revealed that 20% of 10-11 year old are obese which after reading, inspiring the BB to take action.
Taking this increasing issue of childhood obesity, low activity levels and this recent survey into account, the BB used the exhibition to engage and inform politicians from across the political spectrum in Scotland.
John Sharp, Director of The Boys’ Brigade in Scotland, attended the exhibition throughout the week with Niall Rolland, the organisation’s PR & Development Officer.
John said:
“We believe it’s important to engage with MSPs on the vital role that youth organisations have in promoting sports and play opportunities for children and young people.
“Through the #TeamPlayerScot initiative, we want to see a more team-based approach to tackling barriers to participation in sport. The BB focuses on giving every child and young person a pathway to develop new skills and, working with others, we want to use sport, games and recreation to engage more young people.
“Each week our groups offer a range of sporting opportunities, in addition to adventurous activities, such as camps and expeditions.”
To coincide with the exhibition, The BB announced results from its recent survey into sports participation which showed that almost 80% of its 1545 section offers at least 30 minutes sporting activity every week.
John Mason, MSP for Glasgow Shettleston Constituency, added:
“Childhood obesity can have many long term health impacts and as such I am keen like the Boys’ Brigade in Scotland to see more opportunities for children and young people to get active and engaged. Competitive and team based sports can be a great way to mix exercise with a sense of accomplishment and fun.”