That the Parliament welcomes the report from the think tank, ResPublica, Wheel of Misfortune: The case for lowering the stakes on Fixed Odds Betting Terminals, which suggests that the UK is the only developed country to have high street betting shops that allow people to bet £100 every 20 seconds; notes the report’s calls for the UK Government to cut the maximum stake on fixed-odds betting terminals (FOBT) from £100 to £2; agrees with its assessment that the present maximum stake can lead to job loss, damage to communities and the breakdown of families; understands that, over the last year, FOBTs have been responsible for losses of more than £1.7 billion, which is almost £12,000 on average, with one third of players considered at risk of serious addiction according to the Gambling Commission; believes that action must be taken to tackle what it sees as the scourge of FOBTs in Scotland’s communities, and calls on the UK Government to take action when it publishes its review of stake levels, by lower the maximum stake to £2 at most.