Motion S5M-05589: Sunday Times Rich List

13 May 2017

That the Parliament notes the release of The Sunday Times Rich List, which shows that the wealth of the UK’s richest 1,000 people rose by 14% in 2016; understands that the list shows that Britain has more billionaires than ever before, with 134, increasing from 120 in the previous year; further understands that the combined wealth of the top 500 people on the list is £580.4 billion, which is more than the £575.6 billion for the entire rich list of 1,000 people in the previous year; notes that, at the same time, many ordinary people have no or little wealth, with many dependent on foodbanks to survive; believes that countries with a more even distribution of wealth are more likely to be at the top of global happiness indexes, and hopes that, as a society, the UK can move closer to such models.