That the Parliament understands that the Airdrie Savings Bank is closing down because its relatively small size has led to it finding it difficult to compete with much larger players and that it has been unable to deal with the complex regulations that were introduced in reaction to the failings of larger banks; appreciates the important role that smaller businesses play in the economy and their potential for its future growth; understands that, in March 2016, there were 348,045 small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in Scotland, bringing an estimated 1.2 million jobs; believes that SMEs make up 99.3% of all private sector enterprises and that they and other relatively small organisations require particular support in a world of globalisation; thanks the founders, staff, customers and board of Airdrie Savings Bank for their commitment to the organisation over many generations, including to the branch previously in the Shettleston constituency, and welcomes the work of SMEs throughout the country.