Motion S5M-03268: Executive Pay and Performance

05 Jan 2017

That the Parliament notes the publication of the report, An Analysis of CEO Pay Arrangements and Value Creation for FTSE-350 Companies, which was commissioned and funded by the CFA Society of the United Kingdom, and which examines the link between executive pay and performance; understands that the report was carried out by Weijia Li and Steven Young of Lancaster University Management School and is based on analysis of CEO pay structures and value created for FTSE-350 companies over the period from 2003 to 2014-15; further understands that the report found that the median pay for a CEO over this period has increased by 82% in real terms, that the median FTSE-350 company generated little in the way of profits over the period from 2003 to 2009 after adjusting for full cost of funds and, from 2010 onwards, the median firm generated less than a 1% economic return on invested capital; believes that simplistic, short-term metrics are frequently used to measure performance of CEO remuneration contracts; considers that the figure of £1.9 million for median executive pay in 2014 is unacceptable at a time of stagnant wages for those working on low incomes, and calls for action to be taken to ensure that CEO pay is more closely aligned to results and is within reasonable distance of a company’s average employee pay.