S4M-15286: Preventing Diabetes

11 Jan 2016

That the Parliament notes the publication of a study in the journal, The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, which suggests that, by reducing sugar in drinks by 40%, 300,000 cases of diabetes could be prevented; understands that the study that led to this finding was headed by Professor Graham MacGregor, who recommended that the action plan laid out in the report be backed up by a government-funded, but independent, nutritional agency that would be able to set mandatory targets, which would be enforced robustly, and by introducing a sugar tax on soft drinks to help decrease demand; believes that this would help tackle type 2 diabetes and prevent one million cases of obesity across the UK; understands that the report suggests that such a move would mainly help adolescents, young adults or people from low-income families and be of benefit to the NHS, with fewer obesity-related health issues, and, as sugar-sweetened drinks are reported to be the largest source of added sugar for children and the second largest for adults, hopes that the UK Government will give serious consideration to adopting the recommendations.