That the Parliament notes with sadness the 100th anniversary of the 1915 Armenian Genocide; understands that this took place while the Ottoman Empire was struggling in the First World War, was facing the redistribution of its territories amongst Russia, France, Britain, Italy and Greece and was concerned about ethnic and religious minorities in its midst; expresses sorrow at the suffering experienced during that period of time in the area now considered part of the modern Republic of Turkey; notes the terrible death toll, which it understands to have been estimated at 1.5 million people between 1914 and 1923 but with a particular focus on 1915, including the arrest on 24 April of that year and subsequent execution of many Armenian intellectuals and leaders; notes that many Assyrians and Ottoman Greeks also lost their lives; understands that some groups, including the Turkish state, deny that the Armenian Genocide took place, and hopes that such human intolerance will not bring about similar suffering again.