# S4M-07989 John Mason (Glasgow Shettleston) (Scottish National Party): That the Parliament notes the recent poll conducted by ICM for Inequality Briefing; considers that this shows that people believe that the richest fifth in society should ideally have around 25% of the wealth, although they believe them to hold around 40%; notes, instead, that data from the Office for National Statistics suggests that the richest fifth hold 60% of all wealth, which is one and a half times as much as the rest of society put together and one hundred times more than the poorest fifth, at 0.6%, and considers that all of this reaffirms a belief that the distribution of wealth in the UK, including in Glasgow, is inherently unfair and that the gap between the richest and poorest in society is now at the highest point in over 50 years, which it considers is unacceptable for a modern, developed nation.