S4M-07320: Glasgow City Council’s Pay Day Loans Sounding Board Report

19 Jul 2013

S4M-007320 John Mason (Glasgow Shettleston) (Scottish National Party): That the Parliament welcomes the recent report by Glasgow City Council’s Pay Day Loans Sounding Board; considers that the report highlights a number of worrying statistics, including the fact that Glasgow’s citizens borrow over £57,000,000 annually through payday lenders, home credit, pawnbrokers and rent-to-own outlets; understands that 49% of Glasgow’s citizens are in the bottom 20% of UK incomes; is concerned at the finding that one in 10 payday loans have a gambling-related link; notes the conclusion of the report, which makes recommendations in four key areas, namely regulation and constraint, promotion and intervention, influence and evidence, and changing behaviour; welcomes the report’s endorsement of the credit union movement, and urges the UK Government to respond positively to the report, in particular to the recommendations that the use of continuous payment authorities for any loans under a 26-week term should be ended, less faith should be placed in APRs as a well understood comparator and there should be restrictions in the number of individual short-term loans held at any one time.