A number of residents have been in touch with me about the rumours circulating around the the community concerning the proposed care home on Glasgow Road. I managed to speak to Meallmore, the company involved, and below is my understanding of where things are at. I know that the two local community councils are also hoping to arrange a meeting in the near future.
Firstly I share concerns about the lack of consultation about this facility and the lack of information so far from the company Meallmore. I wrote to them and emailed them last week and after several phone calls I eventually managed to speak to them on the phone yesterday (Monday).
Secondly, I am very keen that we support people with mental health issues. Many of us have family members, neighbours, and friends with mental health problems. There has been a tendency to stigmatise such people and in the past they were often locked away in far off hospitals like Gartloch and Lennox Castle. Thankfully this is a thing of the past and we now expect folk to be able to live in the community.
According to the company their plans for a care home have changed but they always intended to have a mental health unit as part of their facility in Glasgow Road. However, I do not think most of us had realised that when planning permission was being discussed. I am still seeking clarification from the company as to exactly what they are intending and I have also asked to visit the similar facility they have at Hilton Court, Rosyth in Fife. They tell me they are planning a communication exercise in the local Garrowhill and Baillieston area but I certainly feel they have left this too late. My understanding is that patients would be admitted to their unit in conjunction with the NHS and Social Work. They state that patients would be there for their own good and would be no danger to the wider public.
I know that the community council(s) is considering a public meeting where we could hear more about the plans from Meallmore and I would certainly support that.
At this stage I think it is probably too late to stop this facility being developed but we can seek more information from the company, the NHS, and the City Council. My own feeling is that it is very unlikely there would be any negative effect on the outside community but I would like more reassurances about this.