S4M-04883: No to Privatisation of Royal Mail

19 Nov 2012

S4M-04883 John Mason (Glasgow Shettleston) Scottish National Party:  That the Parliament is concerned at Royal Mail’s plan to close or relocate one third of all sorting offices, including Cubie Street in Bridgeton, Glasgow; believes that there is public demand for a local collection point if mail cannot be delivered to a particular address; does not consider that a charge of an extra £1.50 for a letter being collected at a post office is acceptable for people on limited means; accepts that Royal Mail needs to modernise its facilities; understands that the explanation for these changes given by Royal Mail staff at the public meeting in Bridgeton on 17 November 2012 was that privatisation was approaching and that this was also the reason why there did not need to be a consultation, and recognises calls for Royal Mail to remain a public service in public ownership.