S4M-02598: The Death Penalty In India

03 Aug 2012

S4M-02598 # John Mason (Glasgow Shettleston) (Scottish National Party): That the Parliament notes the recent rally that was held in Edinburgh by members of the Sikh community from Shettleston and across Scotland to express their opposition to the reintroduction of the death penalty in India; understands that, as a result of the Indian Government’s decision, a death sentence has been imposed on Balwant Singh Rajoana, who has been in prison since 2007 when he was sentenced to 17 years; understands, however, that, following a mercy petition to the President of India, the death sentence on Balwant Singh Rajoana has been postponed; notes the calls for the Indian Government not to proceed with the death penalty for Balwant Singh Rajoana or any other prisoners, and believes that capital punishment is fundamentally wrong and has no place in the twenty-first century.