27 Mar 2012

Following-on from claims by David McLetchie during this afternoon’s Scotland Bill Committee meeting that further devolution “may not take place”- despite claims by David Cameron – SNP Member of the Scottish Parliament, John Mason, has said the Tories are all over the place.

Glasgow Shettleston MSP, John Mason, a member of the Scotland Bill committee, said:

“The Tories are all at sea and don’t know if they are coming or going when it comes to Scotland.

“First we had Ruth Davidson’s line in the sand, then the Prime Minister came to Edinburgh and made vague promises about jam tomorrow and now we’ve got David McLetchie saying that no more devolution is possible.

“In stark contrast the people of Scotland are clear and sure about where the Tories stand in their opinion – they don’t want a sinking ship governing Scotland.

“And no wonder. At the weekend Ms Davidson was quite explicit in her dislike for the Barnett Formula and threatened that a No vote and the status quo would mean funding cuts of up to £1,500 for every man, woman and child in Scotland.”